Historical Photo Archives
Connecting the Generations!
Patrick Springs Bible Conference
Martinsville Bible Bookstore
The ministry where the Lord planted the vision for the Patrick Springs Bible Conference. (CLICK HERE)
Patrick Springs Bible Conference Brochure 1964
Images of the first Bible Camping brochures in Patrick Springs, VA! (CLICK HERE)
Teen Camp 1967
Burl Washburn and the gang from from our earliest weeks of Camp! (CLICK HERE)
Teen Camp 1968
1968 at the Patrick Springs Bible Conference (CLICK HERE)
May 1969
Ground-breaking ceremony for the Chapel. (CLICK HERE)
The Bull Mountain Bugle - Wednesday, August 27, 1969
One of the earliest newspaper articles from Stuart, VA about the Patrick Springs, Bible Conference. (CLICK HERE)
1973 to 2019
Connecting the Generations
Summer Camp 1973
1973, the inaugural year for Springs of Life Camp (CLICK HERE)
Fall and Winter 1973
Behind the scenes of the original Springs of Life Camp! (CLICK HERE)
Work Days (Pre-Camp) 1974
Behind the Scenes in 74’ before campers arrive! (CLICK HERE)
Summer Camp 1974
Camping Ministries in Patrick Springs in 1974. (CLICK HERE)
Fall and Winter 1974
Behind the scenes in the off-season 1974. (CLICK HERE)
Spring 1975
Behind the scenes before Camp 1975. (CLICK HERE)
Summer Camp 1975
Summer Camping Ministries 1975. (CLICK HERE)
Kitchen Construction 1975
The Camp Kitchen addition development 1975. (CLICK HERE)
Summer Camp 1976
Good Morning Campers! 1976 (CLICK HERE)
Summer Camp 1977
Bible Camping in Patrick Springs 1977. (CLICK HERE)
Summer Camp 1978
Summer Bible Camp and Behind the Scenes. (CLICK HERE)
Summer of 1979
Summer Camp and behind the scenes of 79’! (CLICK HERE)
Springs of Life Camp’s: The Nehemiah Project (Phase 1)
“..And we His servants will arise and build..” Nehemiah 2:20
Phase 1 Restoration : 2018 - 2024 (CLICK HERE)
The Life Lodge
The Complete restoration of the Dining Hall, Alumni Central (meeting room), Hotel Rooms (Nurses Station - 7), and the Camp Kitchen.
The Student Dormitory
Demolition and Phase 1 restoration of the soon to be almost 200 bed, 18 toilets, and 16 shower living “cabins”.
The Grounds
Demolition and clean up of decomposing structures and hazardous fixtures around the facility.
The Stories with-in HIS-tory
Tying together more than 60 years of generations to intentionally equip the next generation for the work of ministry for God’s glory.
Soft-Launch for
Bringing Bible Camping Minstries BACK to Patrick Springs
Adventure Camp for Christ 2024
(Formerly AWANA Scholarship Camp) This Bible centered, high energy, discipleship equipping week of Camp: June 23-29, 2024 (CLICK HERE)