membership application
Become a Member
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve the families who make up your organization at a more personal level by applying for Membership at Springs of Life Camp!
As you know, it takes a passion for life’s dedication to be called Disciples of Jesus Christ (Jn. 13:34,35); and your role in our ministry enables Springs of Life Camp to be a vehicle to train up families to carry His Gospel into all the world (Mt. 28:19,20).
Apply today!
The first piece to becoming a member is filling out an application. We review each application individually and will contact you back on next steps.
Have a question?
Reach out to us to discuss any questions about membership levels, opportunities to serve, etc. Use the comment section to ask us anything.
To download a copy of the application, click the button below.
Membership Support Amounts vary based on the ability of each relationship! Every local church, household, and organization is unique; and, has its own ability to give according to its own financial dynamic. Therefore, any monthly or annual financial support commitment you are able to make towards the daily operations of Springs of Life Camp, satisfies the requirement that qualifies enrollment for Membership benefits.
Some background
Benefits to becoming a member
Benefits for all member levels:
Heavily discounted facilities reservations
Discounts on Springs of Life Camp Merchandise (Apparel, Housewares, and Online Emporium Inventory)
Discounts on Springs of Life Camp’s: Creekside Coffee Products
Access to multitudes of personal and corporate discipleship tools and resources
Access to the Alumni Central Network- Free or Discounted goods, services, events, and experiences
A personalized page on Alumni Central for Local Church and Organizations
Exclusive invitations to Camping and Outreach Ministries events and experiences
Exclusive access to SoLC’s: Alumni Leadership Academy {Discipling Disciples to Disciple Disciples}
And much more!
Benefits for Local Church & Organizations
Personalized website on Alumni Central
Access to advertise needs, events, products, and services through the Springs of Life Camp Alumni Network
Bulk Rate Discounts for Springs of Life Camp’s: Creekside Coffee Products
Custom Restoration / Community Revitalization discipleship-relationship plans
Benefits for Individual Households
Immediate and on-demand access to Springs of Life Camp Membership Benefits
All membership benefits effective with membership application and 1st support contribution.
We will suspend all membership benefits after 6 months of discontinued financial support.
Membership benefits are subject to availability. Any change in benefit will be promptly communicated to members.
Springs of Life Camp General Membership Council members have first choice for ministry open-enrollment, followed then by SOLC regular members, and then non-members.