The Creeklife Coffee Co. is currently in the non-profit filing process. While we wait, donations can be made through Springs of Life Camp who is a federally recognized 501c3 organization. Consult your tax advisor, your donation could be a tax deductible event!

Help us completely fund the Blossom Creek Coffee Farming Co-Op for 2024!

Donating to help us reach this goal is easy!

1- Donations can be mailed care of Springs of Life Camp (memo: CREEKLIFE) to P.O. Box 73, Patrick Springs, VA. 24133

2- Donations can be made with any Creeklife Coffee Co. Missionary

3- Donations can be made through your online-banking provider. Send us a confirmation email at so that we can report back to you when we receive it.

4- Donations can be made online (follow link below). You will have the option to either cover the merchant fees associated with the transaction or to have the fees deducted from your online donation.

Help us complete renovations!

We need to raise only $500,000.

Funds are to complete the final renovations and to open up Springs of Life for the future generations of campers!

Your donation at work

How we are using your donations.


Student Dormitory

We’re renovating and building out bedrooms, updating baths, and making sure everyone’s stay is comfortable and inviting.


Community Kitchen

Our kitchen isn’t just any ol’ kitchen - it’s a commercial sized community kitchen. We’re modernizing it to make sure we have space and equipment to house large groups effectively.


Aquatic Center

The pool grounds are also getting a makeover! Your donations go to help renovating and maintaining pool equipment and structure.


Want to shop for us instead?

Aside from monetary donations, we also post a list of needed materials that supporters can also purchase. View our most current list!